
Our site has moved to CrushTheOdds.org

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Help a Kid Crush the Odds with the Love of God!

Fall is here, and for SCYM that means many Springfield children and youth coming to the doors of our programs. Most of them are looking for something fun to do and a safe place to be - but most of all they are looking for someone. Someone to remember their name, to ask them how their day was. Someone to play a game with them. Someone to make them a snack, or just sit down and eat with them. Someone who, through ordinary words and deeds, can show them a life that may be radically different than the one they know.

Do you have an hour a week you could give to a kid? Or does someone you know? Our city's kids need people just like you, from teenagers to grandparents! Consider one of these opportunities to make an eternal investment in an elementary or middle school student:

STARS Drivers (2:30-3:15)
STARS Chapel leaders and helpers (3:15-4:15; every other week)
STARS Crafts and special projects teachers (3:15-4:15; every other week)
STARS Food preparers (3:00-4:00)
STARS Free time helpers (3:30-4:30)
STARS Mentors (4:30-5:30)

All STARS opportunities listed for MONDAYS
GirlPower Mentors (3:30-5:30)
Young Life leaders (6:00-8:00)

Young Life leaders (6:30-8:30)

All STARS opportunities listed for MONDAYS
GirlPower Fitness Mentors (3:30-5:30)

FLEXIBLE DAYS - Small group facilitators or assistants, 11:00-11:45, Perrin Woods 5th and 6th grade success groups

To get involved, just email us at SCYMinistries@gmail.com, or call our office: 937-325-6183.