We're excited to host our second city-wide Celebrate Kids! event on Saturday, October 13 at Maiden Lane Church of God. Youth and children's choirs from around the city will be using their talents to help other children have access to year-round programs through SCYM.
As well as joining us for this great event, families, churches, and businesses can help celebrate kids by becoming a sponsor.
For businesses, sponsorships are available with the following promotional opportunities:
Event Sponsor: $2500 (One
- Sponsor logo/name in SCYM newsletter, event Powerpoint, printed program, postcard mailed prior to event, name/link prominent in SCYM event emails, and 4x8 banner displayed prominently above performance area. Includes opportunity to give a welcome on behalf of your business at the event, and a featured interview in email and print newsletters.
Standing Ovation:
$1000 or more
- Sponsor logo/name in SCYM newsletter, event Powerpoint, printed program, postcard mailed prior to event, name/link prominent in SCYM event emails, and 4x8 banner displayed prominently above performance area
Three Cheers: $500
- Sponsor logo/name in SCYM newsletter, event Powerpoint, and printed program; name/link in SCYM event emails
Round of Applause: $250
- Sponsor name in SCYM newsletter, name/link in SCYM event emails
High Five: $100.00
- Sponsor name in SCYM newsletter
To become a sponsor, contact us at SCYMinistries@gmail.com, donate online at our website and indicate "Celebrate Kids," or just send a check to SCYM at 1500 Broadway St., Springfield, OH 45504.