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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Identifying the Greatness in Kids!

From a very young age I have fond memories of my grandmother looking me in the eye and saying to me with a big smile, “I can’t wait to see what you grow up to be!”

My grandma was a great Christian lady, and though she went home to be with the Lord before she was able to see who I would grow up to be, her words remained in my heart. I would find myself thinking, “Would grandma be proud of where my life is right now?”

I believe that as Christians our words carry great power and influence in others’ lives.

“For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?...And if you greet your brother only, what do you do more than others?" Matthew 5:47

Most of us do a good job of giving encouraging words to those who are easy to compliment, but I believe if we want to see the world around us change, we need to be people who can see the gold in someone who is used to being rejected.

At SCYM this is a very powerful tool for us in tearing down barriers and building relationships with kids, so we wanted to share it with you. It is simply speaking the truth about how God has created each young person, no matter how angry, indifferent, hyper, or sullen they may seem to us.

That young man with a swagger? He may have a wealth of leadership potential.

That girl who is withdrawn and quiet may be a great thinker, a great listener.

The young person blanketed with tattoos may be expressing God-given creativity that is bursting to come out.  

What effect do you think it would have if we spoke about the gold in these young people, whether they are neighbors, grandchildren or nieces or nephews, or just someone we pass in the store? What if we smiled and said something like:
“You’re going to be a great leader someday”
“I can tell that you really care about your friends”
“God must have made you creative”
“Did you know you are God’s
Or like Grandma, “I can’t wait to see what you grow up to be!”
Simple words, yet powerful for young people who often only hear judgment and criticism. Words that reflect the heart of their Creator, and we can be His agents to communicate them. Let’s step over the line of fear together and see hopelessness crushed in children’s lives by the love of God!  

Tyler Worley
Associate Director

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Why you should save the date for October 13

This week they're putting on their backpacks, traipsing off to school, some climbing onto buses, some smiling and excited, some resigned. Pictures of first days of school posted on Facebook. Some in stylish new clothes and some in hand-me-downs, but all of them a reminder of their Creator and of why SCYM exists. They are our kids.

On Saturday, October 13, upwards of 100 kids from around the city will be singing, acting, dancing, and offering up their talents for an event we call "Celebrate Kids!"

I am personally so excited about how this event is doing a lot of unique and important things: Bringing children, families, and churches from across the city together. Listening to our kids' voices. Reminding ourselves of how vital they are to our future. Giving them a platform to give back to their community. Raising funds to support year-round opportunities for kids citywide. Not only that, it's going to be just plain fun!

I'd like to invite you to join SCYM and many around our city to "Celebrate Kids!" on Saturday, October 13, from 5:00-7:00 pm at Maiden Lane Church of God. Bring a few dollars for an inexpensive but delicious dinner from Rudy's Smokehouse Bar-B-Q, a few more if you'd like to bid on a silent auction item, and prepare to enjoy a great evening with all kinds of great activities for kids and people of all ages.

If you're as excited as I am about this event, maybe you'd like to get involved. If so, we've got opportunities for you. We're putting together a team of 40 volunteers from different churches in the city to staff the event -- why not join the fun, and bring a few friends! We'll be having a Celebrate Kids! Preview on Monday, September 24, at 7:00 at Maiden Lane for all volunteers.

Second, maybe you'd consider donating a sponsorship or a silent auction item. Details on sponsorships -- which can be given by individuals or businesses, but provide promotional opportunities for businesses -- are
here on our blog. Our financial goal for this event is to raise $15,000 to support programs that support Springfield kids all year, and it takes many people joining hands to reach that goal. Every dollar donated will help a Springfield kid this school year!

So as you see a kid heading off to school this week, pray for them! And mark your calendars for October 13, and consider how you might be involved. Together we can help kids in our city crush the odds with the love of God!



Faith Bosland, Executive Director