As we see it, there's not a lot of programming out there that's just for guys - and if you wait until the later high school years, this kind of thing comes too late. Middle school is really a great age to be working with at-risk youth, because they have not yet made disastrous choices that are bringing them down.
So for our MVPF programming, Chris and one or two other group facilitators are going to be leading small groups in city middle schools going through a curriculum that talks about identity, masculinity, and the risks of premature fatherhood. (In words that middle school guys relate to, of course.) Please pray for us and the other partners (Urban Light, FYI, and PowerNet of Dayton, who will all be working with dads), that the programming we're starting will really make an impact in changing the cycle of premature and absentee fathers that has shaped far too many kids' lives.
Faith BoslandExecutive Director
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