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Tuesday, February 17, 2009


It’s a new year. This is a time for fresh starts and second chances. A lot of people make resolutions to better themselves. How long do those new year resolutions last? Why is it so difficult to stay committed to things that are meant to improve our lives? I know personally the reason for my own failures is because I set unrealistic goals. I set myself up to fail without even realizing it. Another reason I struggle is because I am the one trying to fix the “problem”. If I would just give these concerns and challenges completely over to God, things would be different. Only God has the power to make long-lasting changes in my life. So therefore, this new year I am making the commitment to put my entire life in the loving and capable hands of my Savior. With God all things are possible!! Many blessings to you during the year of 2009!

His Servant,
Angie Bishop
STARS and Summer Day Camp Director

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