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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Want to drop a grace grenade?

Recently in our staff meeting we discussed how "transactional" our society gets, and how it colors our relationship with God -- the mindset that I'll do something for you, if you do something for me in return.

But when you start looking at Scripture, you realize that God's love is not transactional at all. In fact, a better word for God's love is extravagant -- a flood of grace and blessing in return for the small tokens we can give him.

This got us thinking: Could we plan some moments at our upcoming Summer Day Camp that go far beyond transactional -- you signed up for this, so we're going to do what we said -- to extravagant? Could we drop some "grace grenades"?

So we're looking for help. Are any individuals or small groups out there interested in pulling off an extravagant surprise for our day camp kids -- like a fancy breakfast, an amazing experience, a gourmet snack, something that they may have never experienced before? We'd like to pull off one grace grenade a week, for the four weeks of camp.

Give us a shout if you think you can help. (And it doesn't get any more "feel good" than this -- just make some kids feel special and loved!)

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