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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Celebrate Kids! Carnival -- sponsors needed

The annual Celebrate Kids! Carnival is coming on Saturday, October 12! We're inviting the whole community out to Maiden Lane Church of God for all kinds of fun, food, and activities for kids from 5:00-7:00 pm. 

Along with hosting all kinds of fun for the community, Celebrate Kids! raises funds to keep SCYM programs running for more than 300 Springfield kids all year round. The event raises money through a silent auction and food sales, as well as through business and individual sponsorships. This year for the first time, many Springfield kids are also "Reading on a Mission" to help other Springfield kids through SCYM.

A contribution of any amount helps SCYM reach the goal of $10,000 to support ongoing, excellent programs that help Springfield kids grow to become mature, responsible, Christian adults and engage in a local church. 

If you're a business, you can find more information about a sponsorship here

If you're an individual, you can give online at this page, or find information about where to send a contribution. 

It takes many, many people being involved to help kids crush the odds with the love of God! We thank God for the many who are already involved, and for those joining for the first time!

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