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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tutors needed for STARS After-School Program

Did you know that one of the leading indicators of whether a child will be involved in the court system as an adult is their third grade reading level?

Because we believe that part of helping kids grow to mature, responsible Christian adulthood is helping them value their education and succeed academically, we are working on a new initiative in our STARS tutoring times to help kids improve their reading skills. We're excited at helping these kids hone a skill that will enrich their entire lives.

But - we need help! We're aiming to get one tutor for each of the 40 children currently enrolled in our STARS programs. From high school age on up - if you can read and you can show up, then we believe you can help a kid. Training begins in late November.

Tutors can come on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday afternoons for just 45 minutes. Times vary slightly but fall between 2:30-4:30 each week. Why not join us and impact a kid's life forever? Email us at scyministries@gmail.com, or call our office at (937)325-6183.