
Our site has moved to CrushTheOdds.org

Monday, October 25, 2010

WiseGuys Mentoring

I have the privilege of working with about fifteen 7th and 8th boys at Schaeffer Middle School along with Tim Voltz. We have had some incredible times of sharing as we eat lunch with these guys. Occasionally our former Wiseguys will ask to join us.

During one of our sessions, I asked one of the returning 8th graders to share something he learned last year in the program. He said "well, I learned about making wise choices for myself, and I learned that it costs a lot to have a baby (the average is over $2o,ooo in the first year). I am definitely not ready to be a dad yet."

WiseGuys is an early fatherhood prevention program that focuses on teaching young men to make wise choices. Our activities focus on respecting others, especially girls, peaceful conflict resolution, and setting short and long-term goals for yourself.

We are happy to be partnering with the Springfield City Schools. The feedback we are getting from principals and school counselors alike is "we need more of this kind of thing, and we really appreciate what you are doing in the lives of our students." That's encouraging.

Jeff Nelson
WiseGuys Mentoring

STARS gets off to a great start

STARS After - School Program

At the beginning of October, we were excited to start back up again, with a good number of returning students, and some smiling new faces as well. For the STARS kids, opening day couldn't come soon enough. Thanks for all your prayers as we have worked through transportation issues and a few other obstacles.

This year we have formed leadership teams at both of our STARS churches, and they are starting to take more active roles in running the program along with STARS Director Jeff Nelson.

This is a short post, but we wanted to show you some pictures of what God is doing in one of our programs. Thanks for partnering with us.

Jeff Nelson
STARS Director

Working on a craft project

Hanging out during free time

Ashley and Jennifer are two former STARS students who are involved as volunteers again this year. They often help and encourage Jean in the kitchen.

Several of our former STARS students are back to help us as volunteers, and it is encouraging to see them take on more responsibility.

It has been great having Shannon Barker and her family join us as active volunteer leaders. Shannon has been leading chapel as well as our special projects.

Amy, pictured below in the yellow, is one of our returning Wittenberg students who helps as a mentor and volunteer.

Also pictured are two of our new students playing pool together.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Biblical Justice (Why We Do What We Do)

A couple weeks ago during staff devotions we had an interesting conversation about justice and righteousness and how that relates to what we do here at SCYM. Typically, when we think about our programs (such as STARS, Wise Guys, or Girl Power), justice isn't the first thing that comes to mind. Mercy, compassion, or love seem to be more obvious characteristics of our mission, and they are certainly key elements in why we do what we do. But if we fail to consider biblical justice among our core values as we work with Springfield city kids, we fail in recognizing one of our chief Christian responsibilities.

Justice is the quality of upholding that which is right and condemning that which is evil. A just man will not only deal fairly and rightly with everyone he knows, but he will also seek to correct the wrongs done to others. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, we have lived in a world marked by injustice. Certain people have profited from the injustices caused by sin, while others have suffered immensely. In reading the bible, we see that God has always condemned the unjust, and He has actively protected those who suffered at their hands. Just as we Christians seek to imitate God's love, mercy, and holiness, we also ought to be imitating His justice.

Some people have been more greatly affected by the injustice caused by sin than others. We see that everyday here at SCYM. Children who grow up in homes marked by violence, desertion, and poverty will never be afforded the same opportunities I was as a child. The effects of sin have destroyed their families, and they have a lot of ground to make up if they wish to compete with the "normal" kids in our society. At SCYM, we seek to fight injustices that cause such inequality for children who have done nothing to deserve it. This is why we mentor. This is why we pray with them and display values that can change their lives. In doing so, we fight for the broken and oppressed, and offer hope of a better world that only the Love of God can reveal.

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be writing in a bit more detail about God's justice here on the blog. Please come back and read, and pray about how God wants you to practice justice in Springfield.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Help a Kid Crush the Odds with the Love of God!

Fall is here, and for SCYM that means many Springfield children and youth coming to the doors of our programs. Most of them are looking for something fun to do and a safe place to be - but most of all they are looking for someone. Someone to remember their name, to ask them how their day was. Someone to play a game with them. Someone to make them a snack, or just sit down and eat with them. Someone who, through ordinary words and deeds, can show them a life that may be radically different than the one they know.

Do you have an hour a week you could give to a kid? Or does someone you know? Our city's kids need people just like you, from teenagers to grandparents! Consider one of these opportunities to make an eternal investment in an elementary or middle school student:

STARS Drivers (2:30-3:15)
STARS Chapel leaders and helpers (3:15-4:15; every other week)
STARS Crafts and special projects teachers (3:15-4:15; every other week)
STARS Food preparers (3:00-4:00)
STARS Free time helpers (3:30-4:30)
STARS Mentors (4:30-5:30)

All STARS opportunities listed for MONDAYS
GirlPower Mentors (3:30-5:30)
Young Life leaders (6:00-8:00)

Young Life leaders (6:30-8:30)

All STARS opportunities listed for MONDAYS
GirlPower Fitness Mentors (3:30-5:30)

FLEXIBLE DAYS - Small group facilitators or assistants, 11:00-11:45, Perrin Woods 5th and 6th grade success groups

To get involved, just email us at SCYMinistries@gmail.com, or call our office: 937-325-6183.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Why we fundraise

I have a confession. There is a part of my job that I wish someone else would do. No matter how many times I do it, no matter the responses, no matter the need. I just wish I didn't have to do it.

Big surprise – it's fundraising. (The title kind of gave it away, didn't it?)

What's more, I'm not the only one. What I hear over and over from board members and others in the community, even from those who are gifted fundraisers, is that at best they tolerate it, at worst they dread it.

Personally, whenever I pick up the phone to make an ask or set up an appointment, whenever I send out appeal letters, the same anxious questions dog me: Will I offend? Will I annoy? Will this person run away the next time they see me?

And then those questions are followed by another one, one that I realize by my reluctance I am asking God: “Lord, couldn't you please just send someone else to do this?”

If you're familiar with the calling of Moses in Exodus chapter 4, you'll know what God thought when Moses asked him the same question. Let's just say that God did not, in fact, call someone else to lead his people out of Egypt.

We fundraise – we ask - because we are called by God. We are called to stand in the gap for vulnerable people. No matter how much I wish otherwise, he is not calling someone else, he is calling me. And here's what, at Springfield Christian Youth Ministries, we are standing in the gap for.

We ask on behalf of kids. Kids in our city who cannot ask for themselves. Kids who are highly vulnerable. Kids we meet daily, who – unless someone intervenes – will not graduate from high school, will not have a healthy marriage, will end up in the court system. Kids who may have a mom or dad or grandparent who desperately wants them to succeed, but lacks the tools or resources.

We ask on behalf of kids who don't know what a “trained, skilled professional” means, or what “benefits” or “payroll taxes” are, but who understand when there is someone dedicated who shows up to their program week in and week out, who knows how to handle difficult situations that come up, who takes time to talk to their teachers and parents. They fully understand that there are people who come every week without pay because they care, people who are supported, coordinated, and connected by our staff.

We ask on behalf of kids who have never heard of “liability insurance,” but who know when they're in a safe place. Kids who may not understand “mileage expense,” but understand the thrill of going somewhere they've never been before, with a group of people who love and enjoy them. We ask for 250 kids who could not make heads or tails of our operating budget, but who would feel the great void if we could no longer operate.

We ask on behalf of kids who, through the nurturing relationships they build through SCYM's programs, are finding their own voice. Who are learning what it means to be responsible, to value others, to know their Creator and to walk wisely with him. Who are connecting with local churches and finding a family there. Who are learning how to give back to their community.

So when I am tempted to give up on fundraising – something that happens almost daily – I remember why we ask. I remember the God who has, for this season in my life, called me to ask. I pray that I will not offend, annoy, or turn people away; but I remember that there are kids who need someone to ask for them.

And that is why we fundraise. That is why I pick up the phone, write the letter, make the appointment; and why our board does the same. If God is also calling you to be a fundraiser – take courage. Remember why you are asking. If you find yourself on the other end of our asking – just humor us. And if you can, maybe consider a gift – because it's not about the money, but about the people we, and everyone who partners with us, are standing in the gap for.

Faith Bosland, Executive Director

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

13th Annual Ox Roast - Saturday, September 18

Join us for a great night of food and music, and support Springfield city kids! SCYM's 13th annual Ox Roast is coming Saturday, September 18, from 5:00-7:00 pm at Faith in Christ Lutheran Church, on the corner of Moorefield Rd. and Ridgewood Rd. E. in Northridge (click for a map). This year's Ox Roast not only raises funds to support SCYM's year-round programs, it also features:

- Delicious roast beef, smoked and slow-roasted on site
- Sides from Rudy's Smokehouse Bar-B-Q
- Live music by local Christian artist Rick L. James
- The area's only Buckeye Hunt for kids, at 6:00 pm
- Inflatables and other activities for kids
- Silent auction featuring Cincinnati Reds tickets, 8x10 autographed photo of Peyton Manning, professional teeth whitening service, coffee lover's basket, professional cake gift certificate and gourmet cupcakes, and Christian books and CD's

Tickets are just $8 for adults, $4 for kids 4-10. Kids under 4 eat free.

You can also help support the 250 kids SCYM serves each year with a sponsorship of $250. Churches, individuals, families, and groups are all coming together to provides sponsorships - will you join us to help kids "crush the odds with the love of God" this school year?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pulling Weeds of Apathy

On a hot, muggy evening on the west side of Springfield, six 13- to 15-year-olds arrive at the Hannah House, a home for single moms. As the sun is setting, people appear on their front porches, driven outside by the lack of air conditioning and stifling heat. Some eye the kids suspiciously, wondering what a group of teens is doing in the neighborhood.

The kids themselves have questions about what they're doing. They're here as part of SCYM's REACH Student Leadership program - a two-week intensive experience for kids who've shown leadership potential through our year-round programs. Tonight's focus is service, helping kids understand practically that Jesus' model of leadership isn't about bossing people around; it's about serving.

Liz and Kevin, recent Cedarville University graduates, facilitate the program. Tonight Liz helps explain to the kids what we'll be doing to clean up the grounds, and I tell a little about Hannah House, how it's a place for single moms who don't have a place to stay. The kids nod understandingly. No doubt many of their families have been in the same boat at one time or other - without a place of their own, most likely living in a relative's living room for a while.

I ask the kids if anyone would be comfortable mowing the lawn. An enthusiastic young man named Scott shoots up his hand. "Can I change my shoes first?" he asks.

"Where do you live?" I ask.

"Over there," he points. His house is across the street. I agree, and within a minute he's returned wearing different shoes.

While we wait for access to the lawnmower, we start with pulling weeds in Hannah House's community garden. It's fenced in and locked to prevent damage or theft. The kids laugh as we talk and pull weeds together - trying to determine what's a vegetable and what's a weed (a few beets inadvertantly get pulled), seeing who can find the most disgusting bug. By the time we're done, the garden is weeded, the lawn mostly mowed (gasoline shortage), and trash picked up.

As I weeded with city kids that night, I was moved by what God was doing in these kids spiritually through REACH - pulling weeds from their lives. Weeds of apathy, indifference to the problems rooted in their neighborhood, like drugs, crime, vandalism. Weeds of hopelessness. Weeds of worthlessness. In place of those weeds, God is using REACH to plant in these kids a deep sense of their value, their potential, their ability to change their own community and neighborhood.

REACH isn't over - this week brings more learning opportunities, especially as they head to a camp retreat this weekend where they'll participate in high ropes and outdoor learning. Most of all, they'll bond together with peers and leaders who model a godly example and teach them about Christ's leadership for their lives. Pray for these kids - God is cultivating growth in them and in Springfield!

Faith Bosland
Executive Director

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kids Can! Day Camp Photos - Week 4

Getting the word out about our sale!

Selling jewelry at City Hall!

Enjoying Popsicles on a hot day.

Day campers competing in Mini-World Cup!

The daughter of one of our volunteers models two of our hair clips.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer Day Camp--2nd and 3rd weeks

The second and third weeks of camp have been great! The campers were split into five different businesses (jewelry, hairclips, baking, photography, and candles) that are each making products to sell downtown July 13th and 14th. Last Friday the campers had a lot of fun on our field trips to the Heritage Center and the Rock Garden. There are a lot of fun activities planned for the rest of this week-tomorrow we are having a cookout from 12-2 at the church and Friday we have a field trip to the Children’s Discovery Garden.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Kids Can! - this week in photos

The Kids Can Candle Co., hard at work. (You can buy theirs and all the campers' items downtown on July 13 and 14.)

AmeriCorps*VISTA Tim Voltz and two campers show some of their produce grown at the community garden.

Kids sing in chapel time

On Thursday the campers learned where India is, and the conditions that some children face there. 10% of their business profits are going to a home for orphans in India.

Playing with one of our campers at breakfast.

Stay tuned for two more weeks of updates and photos!

Monday, June 28, 2010

First Week of Kids Can! Summer Day Camp

Last week (June 21-25) was the first week of Kids Can Summer Day Camp! The kids are having a lot of fun and are keeping very busy. When they first arrive in the morning they have breakfast which is followed by chapel. In chapel the kids sing, dance, pray, and listen to a guest speaker. For the first week after chapel I, along with some wonderful volunteers, took the younger kids to the West Side Church for Junior Achievement and free time. Junior Achievement taught the kids about jobs and businesses, which will help them the next few weeks as the kids create a business and products to sell. When we are finished at West Side we go back to Zion where the kids have their lunch. After lunch there is chill time and the kids watch a show like Veggie Tales. This is followed by one more activity such as going to the park or playground. And before we know it, it is 2:00 and their parents are here to pick them up.


Kids Can! Day Camp: Week 1 Recap

It doesn't feel like it, but we are already 1/4th of the way through camp. Over 40 students spent last week playing, gardening, being taught basic businesses principles, and learning about Jesus! Our two interns, Michael and Kelsey, will be updating the blog periodically to let you all know what they are seeing and how our kids are growing in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"Kids Can!" About to Kick Off

In just six short days, city elementary school children will be descending on Zion Lutheran Church on Springfield's west side for a four-week Summer Day Camp adventure!

Here's just a taste of what's in store for kids: interactive Junior Achievement lessons; gardening at the community garden; a mini-World cup soccer tournament; field trips to Carriage Hill and the Columbus Zoo, among others; Montessori learning experiences; small business ownership with kids making a variety of products and selling them on July 13-14; and fun, interactive Bible teaching from area children's pastors.

Sound like fun? Please join us in praying for the kids and staff (both paid and volunteer) that this will be a growing, life-changing experience! And why not consider stopping by to volunteer a bit of your time? We need all kinds of people to help in all kinds of areas. Just call Jeff Nelson (360-7308) or email him at jeff4kids@yahoo.com

And be sure to stop back here to follow along with our "small" business owners and their adventures over the next four weeks!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

SCYM receives grant from Antioch McGregor Pay It Forward Program

We're excited to announce that SCYM recently received a grant from Antioch University McGregor to support the GirlPower After-School Program in 2010. Through a unique partnership between Antioch McGregor, Learn and Serve America, and the Ohio Campus Compact, a class of 12 students solicited grant applications in the areas of health, homelessness and hunger for children under age 18 and granted out a total of $4,500. We are excited that GirlPower was among three programs selected for funding.

For more information about the program, click here: http://www.payitforwardmcgregor.com/. Thanks to each of these organizations for helping us help girls develop healthy habits for a lifetime!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Join us Monday, March 22, for a great night and decadent desserts!

What do the AFC Champion Indianapolis Colts, delicious desserts, and Springfield city kids have in common? Answer - the SCYM Spring Dessert! This year's Dessert takes place:

Monday, March 22, 7:00 pm
Courtyard by Marriott, 100 S. Fountain, Springfield

This year's dessert features Indianapolis Colts Chaplain Ken Johnson as our guest speaker. Pastor Ken has worked extensively with urban youth and is the author of the book, Journey to Excellence. You'll also hear about what God is doing at SCYM through staff and student presentations - and of course enjoy fantastic desserts from area restaurants, caterers, and bakers.

There is no charge for admission; there will be an opportunity to donate to the ministry.

The Spring Dessert is one of two major fundraisers SCYM holds each year, which enable us to stay in the trenches with kids week in and week out. We so appreciate all the folks who make this event happen, and the great people who turn out to support our city's kids!

To reserve your place, RSVP to: scyministries@gmail.com or call 937.325.6183. We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2009 - By the numbers

256 - Total number of kids served
218 - Number who came to a program 3 or more times
6 - City schools represented in SCYM programs
28 - Kids who gave at least 10 hours of service with SCYM
80 - Percentage of kids surveyed after attending SCYM programs who said that "what God wants me to do" influences their decisions
83 - Percentage of kids surveyed after attending SCYM programs who said they were better able to stand up to negative peer pressure
89 - Percentage of parents of STARS kids who noticed "a lot" of positive difference in their child's grades
$40.04 - Cost per month per student
65 - Weekly program volunteers in fall 2009

1 - Each individual life that is precious to God!

Thank you for helping us reach the most important number: 1!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jesus loves us, this we know

Seven-year-old Michael* has been attending the STARS After-School program for over a year. Like many kids we meet, Michael has difficulty focusing, sitting still, and acting appropriately with his peers - and, no surprise, frequently finds himself in trouble.

Recently during STARS chapel time, director Jeff Nelson had to take a "STARSbuck" away from Michael for misbehavior. During the same chapel time, Jeff shared about Jesus' love for us, and showed a clip from The Passion of the Christ. As the clip was being shown, Michael went up to Jeff and whispered, "Did that really happen? Did Jesus really do that for me?" Jeff whispered back, "Yes, he did, Michael. He loves you that much." Jeff went on to explain to the kids what the gospel meant. Michael, along with several other children, later told Jeff that he had prayed to ask forgiveness for his sins, and trusted in Jesus.

The truth of the gospel is, when others would label us a misfit, a castoff, or a troublemaker, the love of Jesus tells us that our lives matter. In fact, they are infinitely valuable to him. Michael's life is infinitely valuable. So is yours. So is mine. This we know.

Thank you for partnering with us to share Jesus' love with the "Michaels" of our community. We're so grateful to be in this with you!

*name changed

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Help a Kid Crush the Odds!

Do you have 45 minutes to spare on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday afternoon? You could help a kid crush the odds, by becoming a tutor at the STARS After-School Program!

We have openings for volunteer tutors at the following days and times:
Tuesdays, 3:55-4:40 (Westside Christian Community)
Wednesdays, 2:30-3:15 OR 3:15-4:00 (High St. Church of the Nazarene)
Thursdays, 3:55-4:40 (Westside Christian Community)

Our city kids need caring tutors and mentors, from high school age on up, who will help them with homework and literacy activities. 45 minutes may be the most life-changing investment you'll make this year!

Call Jeff Nelson at 360-7308, or email us at SCYMinistries@gmail.com to get started!

Success Stories from our Shining "STARS"

The Jones* family joined us for the first time at Westside STARS After-School Program in the fall. They have four children attending twice a week. Recently, I spoke with their father, who told me that they love the STARS program, and the kids love it too. He said that his oldest son, Brian (6th grade), made the Honor Roll for the first time.

Courtney (6th grade), the Jones' next door neighbor, also started attending STARS this year. I talked with her uncle, who told me that they really admire what we are doing in the community, and it is really making a difference. Pastor Costy has been helping Courtney with homework, and she recently got her first 100%.

*All names changed

Jeff Nelson
Associate Director