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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Opportunities for Mentors

Have you wanted to mentor a Springfield child or teen, but have a changing schedule, or only have time on weekends or evenings? SCYM now has opportunities for mentors on a flexible schedule. Mentors need to be 18 or older, and be willing to commit to a one-year mentoring relationship.

To get involved, contact our office at SCYMinistries@gmail.com, or (937)325-6183. There is no better way to impact our city's kids, than one kid at a time!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Offering forgiveness

Last fall I began meeting with a group of 5th grade girls at a Springfield school. These girls are considered at-risk of not graduating because of their low state-mandated test scores. Each week we talk about respecting and listening to others, setting goals, and other activities designed to help them learn social and emotional skills and bond with their peers and school.

I soon realized that a girl named "Danae" was what I call a "pot-stirrer". Disruptive and confrontational, she often made the group challenging, and once made another girl cry during group time. I had several talks with her after group about how her behavior was hurting others, and how she could do better.

As the months went on, I began noticing Danae softening, and while she was still disruptive at times, she often had a positive attitude and much healthier things to say in her "disruptions".

After Christmas break, we met again, and as we were working on an activity, Danae said, "Ms. Faith! Ms. Faith! I did one of the agreements during break, and it's one that I never usually do." The agreements are principles that our connector who co-leads the group has written on the board - such as respect, no put downs, responsibility, etc.

Danae told me that the agreement she had acted on was "Amnesty - offer forgiveness." She went on to tell me that last year, her cousin had shot her uncle and killed him. The family went into turmoil, taking sides with different family members, and Danae was part of this drama. Over Christmas break, the family had been together, and Danae chose to forgive her cousin for killing her uncle.

First of all, what amazing things is God doing in Danae's heart. Second, how much does this story reveal about the circumstances that have made Danae the way she is. Please join me in praying that God will help her do a "180" and channel her leadership potential in the right direction! And would you also pray that we will find a mentor for Danae, who can walk with her and provide stability in her life? We are so privileged to be "in this" for kids like Danae!

Faith Bosland
Executive Director