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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What's in your closet?

Recently during an office clean-out, we discovered some children's picture Bibles stashed in a cupboard, unused for some time. Wanting to put them to better use, STARS director Jeff Nelson took them to the "STARS-Bucks Store," where kids participating in the program could cash in points they had earned for items they wanted - small toys and prizes, school supplies, or other practical things.

One little girl, "Jocelyn," had her heart set on a Bible. She was so excited to get her Bible that she could not stop hugging it. During gym time, she kept her new Bible with her, looking at the pictures and showing all of her friends.

How precious is God's word to us, and how precious are the kids he loves! May we all share Jocelyn's childlike joy and wonder at God's letter to us.

And a simple challenge - is there something in your closet, unused, that could bless a kid? The STARS-Bucks Store is open monthly at the two STARS location and always needs new or gently used items for 50 kids grades K-6. (More Bibles or books are welcome!) Email us at SCYMinistries@gmail.com if you have items to donate, or call our office at (937)325-6183.

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