
Our site has moved to CrushTheOdds.org

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2009 - By the numbers

256 - Total number of kids served
218 - Number who came to a program 3 or more times
6 - City schools represented in SCYM programs
28 - Kids who gave at least 10 hours of service with SCYM
80 - Percentage of kids surveyed after attending SCYM programs who said that "what God wants me to do" influences their decisions
83 - Percentage of kids surveyed after attending SCYM programs who said they were better able to stand up to negative peer pressure
89 - Percentage of parents of STARS kids who noticed "a lot" of positive difference in their child's grades
$40.04 - Cost per month per student
65 - Weekly program volunteers in fall 2009

1 - Each individual life that is precious to God!

Thank you for helping us reach the most important number: 1!

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