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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sponsor kids to read this summer

Did you know that a child who is reading at grade level by 3rd grade is unlikely to ever be involved in the criminal justice system? And did you know that one of the best ways for kids to improve their reading is simply to read more?

This summer we're launching a new initiative to raise the tide for kids in Springfield. It's called Mission: Reading (you can read all the details right here, especially if you know any kids who could be involved!) The short version is, we're challenging kids to read this summer and at the same time raise funds to help other kids in Springfield.

While we're challenging kids to raise funds to help other kids, we want to challenge the rest of our community to do the same! We'd like to raise another $6,250 to match what we're projecting the kids will raise.

So how about it? Want to get behind our city's kids, give them encouragement to read, and support them as they raise funds to help other kids attend a summer reading camp or an afterschool program? Whether you're an individual, family, business, or church, you can help!

Here's how to donate. You can make an online donation here, and before you submit your donation, click "add special instructions" and enter "Mission Reading."

$25 will sponsor a student who may not be able to raise their own funds.
$100 will match what 4 students raise. (High Five Sponsor)
$250 will match what 10 students raise. (Round of Applause Sponsor)
$500 will match what 20 students raise. (Three Cheers Sponsor)
$1,000 will match what 50 students raise. (Standing Ovation Sponsor)

If you're a business or church and would like to print an invoice, you can print the form and all details for giving here. All business sponsors will receive promotional opportunities (detailed in that form) in SCYM mailings and at our fall Celebrate Kids! event.

Also if you're a business, why not think about inviting your employees to sponsor a student for $25, and then matching what they contribute? It's a fantastic way to encourage the kids in our community, while raising the tide for many kids at the same time!

Mission: Reading -- it's one more way YOU are "helping kids crush the odds with the love of God" through SCYM!

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