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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

GirlPower now at all three city middle schools

We kicked off our first ever GirlPower at Roosevelt Middle School this past Monday! There are a total of 26 awesome 7th and 8th grade girls signed up to participate at Roosevelt’s GP.

Our first meeting was a hit! We did a series of icebreakers and get-to-know-each-other games to start off our time together. It's a great mixture of 7th and 8th grade girls, which means many of them have never met before. The leaders and I gave each girl their own personal bags, put together by Maiden Lane Church of God. Each bag contains a journal, handmade pencil pouch, stickers, pocket mirrors and pens. At our first session, the girls personalized their journals and wrote their first entry about themselves and why they are doing GirlPower. The leaders then write a response to each girl for the following week.

Each week we make a healthy snack together. This week the girls got to make yogurt parfaits with fresh strawberries, blueberries, granola and honey. We ended up using the extra fruit as prizes for the games at the end due to the high demand. We wrapped up the afternoon with a very popular GirlPower handclap game and of course laughter (and even a couple snorts)!

It was an amazing experience to see such a large and new group of middle school girls encourage and support one another throughout the activities and discussions. I’m excited and blessed to get to know each of them, and to lead with some amazing Wittenberg volunteers! GirlPower continues for Schaefer and Hayward Middle School girls on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and kicks off for Perrin Woods 5th and 6th graders this Thursday.

Jessica Konczak
GirlPower Director

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