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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Not "just a volunteer" -- meet Gary Lookabaugh

It's Day 2 of National Volunteer Week, and we're pleased to introduce you to some people who inspire and encourage us every day.

Have you ever been driving around Springfield and noticed a home for sale with a Real Estate II sign that says "Gary Lookabaugh" on the top?

Well, we'd like to introduce you to Gary.

Gary has been behind the buying and selling of more homes in Clark County than he can probably count. He is a terrific businessman, but he is also a kind and humble person who seeks to follow Christ in all he does.

Gary served on the SCYM board from 2008-2012. You may not know that Gary grew up on the west side of Springfield, which has led him to have a heart for the kids that SCYM serves. He understands the struggles of growing up in a broken home, and knows how much kids need to find Christian role models and guidance. 

Last year, Gary sensed that God was leading him to become a mentor, and to help find others to mentor, too. Last summer we matched Gary with Aaron, a bright young 7th grader who lives on the west side. Gary and Aaron have struck up a great friendship, meeting once a week. (Gary says he treats his time with Aaron "like an appointment I need to keep.") They talk about setting goals, having positive relationships, and just about life.

Gary says he has learned that mentoring "is a simpler process than I thought. It's just being a listener and being there."

And to anyone thinking about become a mentor, Gary says, "It's a great opportunity for you to grow. It's shown me how to be a better grandfather to my grandkids."

So the next time you see Gary Lookabaugh's name, why not say a prayer for him and Aaron, and remember his example of someone who is not content with just business success, but is seeking to serve wherever God is calling him. We're so thankful for Gary!

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