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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Not "just a volunteer" -- meet Mary Apone

It's Day 3 of National Volunteer Week, or as we might start calling it, "Not Just a Volunteer" Week! (Click the links to meet two other terrific "not just a volunteers," Greg Jindra and Gary Lookabaugh.) Today we'd like you to meet one of our youngest volunteers, Mary Apone.

Mary is a student at Greenon High School and has volunteered at the STARS Afterschool Program at Westside Christian Community for the past three years. Every week Mary shows up to be a friend to city elementary school kids, help them with their reading, and show them the love of Jesus. The kids love Mary and they know that she loves them!

Mary says, if you're thinking about volunteering with kids at SCYM, "Go for it! Once you get to know all of the kids and volunteers, it's like family." 

What does Mary's experience mean to her? She says, "I've been at Westside Church with Pastor Costy and Beth since I was little, and their commitment to serving our community has been very inspiring to me. I love being in the middle of what God is doing!" 

And we love that God is drawing in young people like Mary to love kids in our city. May God raise up many more Mary's!

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